
Sarah feels WORRIED

Sarah’s life might look fine from the outside – a loving wife, a hardworking professional, and a devoted Christian. Yet, inside, she feels stressed, depressed, and burned out. She’s worried that if she opens up, she’ll be judged. What would people think if they knew how bad things were? If they only knew!


Her marriage, once a source of connection and support, now feels strained and stuck in a rut. Conversations with her husband are shallow and frustrating, and there’s a lot of division in the home creating chaos and unwanted consequences. Sarah can’t even remember the last time they apologized to each other. They are emotionally and physically distant from each other and she’s worried her husband will turn to others instead of her. She longs for a deeper conversation and cuddles again, but she doesn’t know where to begin. She’s tried some things she’s seen on Instagram, but it’s not working for her marriage.

Sarah feels HOPELESS

She’s tried asking for help by posting anonymously in Facebook groups, but the comments are all over the place and sometimes even mean. Books and podcasts don’t account for her faith or are too legalistic. She keeps her problems to herself, but her emotions and relationships are on a fast-moving downward spiral. The truth about how her marriage weighs heavily on her heart.

Amelia feels SAD

Everyone knows that Amelia’s children are her joy. Her life looks picture-perfect to others, but she’s missing important moments, like soccer games and ballet recitals the last few months, due to her emotional and physical exhaustion. She feels guilt about this, making her feel like she’s failing as a mother.

Amelia feels OVERWHELMED

Amelia’s job, once a source of fulfillment, has become a daily struggle. Feelings of daily overwhelm make it difficult for her to concentrate and perform at work. She fears she might lose her job which adds another layer of anxiety about finances to her already heavy load.

Amelia feels LONELY

Amelia used to enjoy meeting up with friends after church or work. Now, she’s declining invitations, preferring the sanctuary of her home. Long gone are the days of enjoying community events. She knows it would be beneficial to be around people, but the thought of being social is paralyzing.


Kate’s life seems perfect – a beautiful home, a great job, a loving husband, and happy pets. But beneath this façade, she feels a heavy burden of loneliness and a lack of support.


Kate battles a nagging sense of inadequacy. She feels like she’s failing herself and her marriage even her puppy. This gnawing worry keeps her edgy and afraid to express her emotions for fear they would be too big to handle. She’s tried to share a tiny part of how she’s feeling with her husband and friends, but they don’t know what to say, which makes her feel awful.

Kate feels NUMB

In an attempt to numb her feelings, Kate turns to coping mechanisms like mindless eating, online shopping, and endless hours of scrolling on her phone. These temporary distractions provide a temporary distraction but leave her feeling worse than before.


When you’re stuck in all the feelings and don’t know where to turn, seeking professional guidance can provide the supportive framework for your journey toward peace, healing, and joy.   I can help.

SARAH feels all alone in her pain. She longs to break free from the sense of loneliness and yearns for a safe place to process her feelings so she can learn how to have a healthy relationship with her husband. 

AMELIA is navigating the burden of emotional and physical exhaustion which is so heavy that she’s not able to be a part of her children’s significant moments or fulfill all her responsibilities at work. She yearns for a path to guide her toward rejuvenation, inner peace, and healing. 

KATE is struggling with feelings of inadequacy and the weight of loneliness. Coping mechanisms like mindless eating and online distractions offer temporary relief but fail to address the underlying issues. She yearns for understanding and validation, dreaming of a life where she feels confident and supported in her relationships.

Sarah, Amelia, and Kate are ready to make changes. 

Hi, I'm Dr. BArnhart

You’re not alone.

I know what it’s like to feel what these women are feeling.

To feel deep pain and not know who to talk to that won’t be judgmental.

To feel the uncertainty of what the future will hold.

To feel confused and scared.

To fall asleep on a tear-soaked pillow.

There’s hope!

I work with clients like Sarah, Amelia, and Kate all the time. Struggling with emotional exhaustion and strained relationships can feel incredibly isolating and hopeless. 

However, understanding what needs to change requires honest communication and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths and feelings.

Transforming pain requires commitment, courage, grace, and grit. The rewards for perseverance are profound and life-changing.  By doing this important work, you can find relief, happiness, and a sense of ease.

My passion is to help individuals and couples become the healthiest version of themselves, both in their relationships and the various roles they fulfill. My private practice is a safe place when you feel broken and a compassionate space to heal.

You are invited to bring your culture, faith, and full self into your therapy sessions.


What I Offer

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